Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Really need rest
There are people in this life who are inevitable parts of this life we have and they will never go no matter how much we need them to disappear. They are people that always in our lives for this or that reason and there is nothing we can do with them. There is nothing we can do but we really need something to be done with this problem. They are people who never bring good into our lives and they are people who make us sad and frustrated every single time a thought about them appear in our heads. They are people who always spoil everything and who bring only pain for us and people we really love. They are infectors people and they infect everything around them and sometimes it seems like it will take another second for you to run mad with the whole stuff and this is when you really need a rest. You need a mental rest of all those people who will never disappear and who are here to remember you that this life is not a fairytale but more like nightmare. And you need this rest to calm down, to take another deep breath in order not to die because of that vacuum they create.